Thursday, September 29, 2011

#75: Skip a Workout

In a conversation I had with a close, old friend after starting treatment, I explained how nice it was not to feel pressured about going swimming, or out for my weekly run. I shared with her that I felt a sort of freedom, not being tied down by my self-imposed obligation to stay active.

Her response was, "Do you think you put too much pressure on yourself to maintain a high level of activity?"

Her casual reflection made me realize maybe my newly discovered personality flaw had already been considered by her long before. I swore to myself I would remember the value of inactivity long after treatment was over!

Just under a year later, the status quo has roped me back in. I'm swimming twice a week, competing in two road races in October, and planning for a half-marathon on the Spring. I want to be back in shape -- and I want it now!

But alas, my body can't keep up. Every spare moment I spend sleeping or firmly plotted on the couch. So tonight, even though members of my swim team were pushing themselves at practice, I stayed at home and watched a movie.

And if I ever feel the pressure to get my butt out for a run, I hope my friend will continue to politely nudge back to reality.

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