Saturday, March 24, 2012

Non-Resolution #66: Sweat the Small Stuff

I've often referred to the Don't Sweat the Small Stuff calendar that got me through my first year back at work (refer to #93 and #16). In making this resolution, I wanted to remind myself how good I had it when the little things were getting me down.  After all, I spent my entire time in treatment envying all the petty issues everyone else had to deal with!

Over the past month or so, I've sweated the small stuff. Except, I didn't feel as fortunate as I imagined. The nature of this resolution is that even though what I was sweating was "small", at the time, it felt monumental! It's not until the issues were resolved that I regained enough perspective to realize how little a thing it really was. By then, anxiety, depression, anger and frustration had all set in, and the damage to my relationships and quality of life was irreparable.

Needless to say, this is a resolution I'm now vowing not to fulfill. I admit this was a case of the 'grass is always greener on the other side'.

If you find yourself sweating the small stuff, don't worry! Be thrilled that it's the "small stuff" you're sweating. But, to prevent all those negative repercussions the next time it happens, try to stop it before it starts. For me, this means being super organized, taking a lunch hour and having some quiet time.

How do you plan to stop sweating the small stuff?

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