Have you heard of a Liebster Award? Neither had I. Apparently, it's an award bloggers extend to their 5 most stalk-worthy blogs, with fewer than 200 followers, in the hopes of helping their followers grow!
And guess what? The Little White Dress gave me a Liebster Award! I am so flattered and honoured that I was anyone's top 5 blog picks, but even more honoured that it was the pick of a fellow, avid blogger! The Little White Dress is a wedding planning machine, and even for me (someone who has no plans to wed), her blog is beautiful, detailed, user-friendly and totally stalk-worthy! Check it out.
So, I will extend the goodwill onto my top 5 most stalk-worthy blogs. Here they are:
1. String of Dates (The how-to guide of online dating.)
2. Blue Butterfly (An account of thyroid cancer survivorship, veganism and art.)
3. Cancer and Other Hiccups (Humour and healing in the wake of a breast cancer diagnosis.)
4. Rants, Raves & Recommendations (Books, shoes, and everything fabulous.)
5. Dutch-Irish Connection (A mother and wife's thoughts, journeys and story.)
To my top 5 fave blogs: all you have to do accept this award is to return the favour to your top 5 most stalk-worthy blogs!
I love the idea of a community of bloggers, supporting each other in their efforts to share their story in a world of inundating information. I am so proud to call myself one of these fascinating, dedicated and creative people.
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