Thursday, June 2, 2011

#13: Go on a Family Vacation (even though you're all adults)

Time spent with your family is never wasted. If there's anything I've learned in my post-cancer life up until now, it's to make a point of using every minute you're fortunate enough to be granted to the fullest. And in my case, time spent with my family is top priority.

But, we're all adults now. We all have our own, independent lives. I don't even live in the same city as my older sister and my mom anymore, and beyond our brief, daily conversations, it's difficult to fit each of my direct family members into my daily life.

Since I discovered the tumour last July, however, my family and I have crossed all distance, time, work and new-family barriers. Unfortunately we have experience with tragedy, so we're well-practiced in rallying to overcome an obstacle as a unit. I am endlessly fortunate and forever indebted to my family for what they've given me over the past few months. Without them, there was no chance for me coming out of my diagnosis with an ounce of sanity.

So, despite our diverse lifestyles, geographic distance, and limited availability, my family and I treated ourselves to a week in a sweet pad - with our own private pool! - in the gulf islands in Florida. The weather was perfect, the resort was outstanding, and we all managed to get along drama-free.

I won't lie, I was surprised. It is indeed possible to have a nice, family vacation, even as adults! But, I highly recommend bring some non-family members with you, because you're probably going to need a buffer.

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